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Sitting at a small table at Starbucks, hoping a cappuccino will help illuminate the path, I wonder how in the world all of the stuff the Canoe Museum is working on is going to come together.  We are working on a full roster of fall adult artisan workshops, new education programs, new public events, new tour packages, fundraisers, a strategic planning retreat, a new exhibit for the spring, a fall appeal, the Beaver Club Gala and on top of it all, a project bigger than any of this–a partnership with Parks Canada and the full redevelopment and moving of the Museum to the water!  How do we do it?? Read the rest of this entry »

Green Gift Ideas

Have you started thinking about your Holiday shopping yet?  If you’re like me you have people on your list who are EASY to buy for, and if you’re like me they’re the people you buy for first.  Then (again, if you’re like me) you get the mid-December panic when you realize the only people you have left on your list are the HARDEST people to buy for.

So I’ve come up with four gift ideas that are not only perfect for that hard-to-buy-for person, but they’re also GREEN! Read the rest of this entry »

So you’ve never been to The Canadian Canoe Museum. You’re missing out. It’s awesome! Want proof?

Front Entrance-Don Rankin

While I admit I’m a little biased because I work here, here’s what some other Museum visitors and cool peeps had to say about the Museum in person in our guestbook and online via our Twitter, Facebook, and TripAdvisor pages. Some even go so far as to suggest moving in… Read the rest of this entry »

Summer – something many of us in Canada look forward to all year long and I’m no exception.JS NCD 2012 03 - 650 pixels I always love that first warm and sunny day of the season when people instantly seem to be in a better mood because of the nicer weather. For many of us, summer means vacations or weekend getaways.

packed-carPacking up the car or truck – trying to find the right combination of ‘Tetris’ pieces so that everything actually does fit into the vehicle (or on top). Hitting the road for camping or cottage weekend adventures, or to experience a never visited or much loved attraction or summer festival. I’ve noticed that during the summer months, it’s hard to drive on a highway without seeing a vehicle with a canoe or kayak strapped on top (sometimes both) or find a lake without a seeing a canoe or kayak gliding through the water. Read the rest of this entry »

I bet there are a lot of happy parents and grandparents out there this week with the return of school and the subsequent routines that go with it!! I am one of those parents who is sighing with relief.  I do love a summer filled with camping, cottages, and family just as much as the next gal, but it is tiring.  With the return of the routines, making space for family-time on the weekends is hard.  September is a busy month, for sure, but it also likely the nicest month for canoeing in Ontario and hence is a great way to get some family-time in!  Here are some ideas to create a few more memorable canoe-related adventures for the family before the first frost.

1. Figure out which weekend works best (quickly before things get scheduled) and head into your nearby park for an easy (don’t work too hard) base camp canoe trip.  It is really nice to stay in one place for both nights so you can have a slow morning, sipping a nice cuppa, wearing your wackiest toques! Algonquin or Kawartha Highlands is our go-to place for fall trips as they are close and beautiful and pretty quiet too.

2. Encourage the kids’ teachers to bring them to the Museum for likely the most interesting and fun (and educational but don’t tell the kids) field trip going!  Be sure to offer your services as the volunteer for the trip so that you too can learn a few new things.  If you need to arm yourself with more information about our school programs check out this School programs link.

3. Come by the Museum for a day of fun that is unlike    anything else you can do in Peterborough.  The kids will love it (and I can say that honestly as my kids LOVE the place) and you will be happy to not be the ‘entertainers’ for a few hours:)  I could go into all of the neat hands-on stuff there is to do but it is becoming a long list so just trust me! Be sure to pack a picnic and eat in our Education Room.

4. Adults, want to hone your own canoeing skills?  Want to learn how to solo your canoe? Want to build on your certifications or start the process of getting certified? Wouldn’t it be cool to do that with the Canoe Museum? We can do that for you.  Email me, to find out more.  We can do private lessons and we provide all of the equipment too.

5. Not sure about a canoeing course, that’s okay.  Why not try one of the cool artisan offerings this fall?  Finger weaving, paddle carving, moccasin-making…oh my!!

6. Okay here’s a good one!  First you have to become a Canadian Canoe Museum Member (easy to do and really really reasonable with all kinds of fantastic perks).  Then you can sign up for a Members’ event on Saturday September 22nd.  On the 22nd you will get a private tour of our Collection storage area (incredible boats) and then you can hear all about canoe travel in Wabakimi Provincial Park in northwestern Ontario–Ontario’s second largest provincial park and world’s largest protected wilderness canoeing area.  This will kick-start the dreaming/planning for next summer’s big trip.  Cool no?

7. Enjoy the changing season!

The Canoe Museum is pretty awesome! Here are 5 reasons why you should become a member and help us reach 1,000 members by the end of 2013…

1. It’s cheap! A family membership pays for itself in only a couple of visits . It allows you unlimited FREE admission for a full year to all exhibits, including the new exhibit Canoes to Go: The Search for a Truly Portable Boat.

Members trying out the folding canoe in the Canoes to Go exhibit

2. Fun! You receive invitations to exclusive member events held both at the Museum and online (because we know you can’t always make it into the Museum – especially if you live in places like BC, Florida, or London).  You will enjoy behind-the-scenes tours, talks, receptions, renowned family activities, exhibit previews, and VIP priority access and news including many pre-registration opportunities to the Museum’s public events and activities.

Never a dull moment at the Museum! Pack basket workshop participants show off their projects.

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There is never a dull moment at The Canadian Canoe Museum.  In fact, a little known Museum secret is the unofficial mascot that frequents the offices of the Museum – the Boar.

Unveiling the unofficial Museum mascot.

The Boar can often be seen “hanging around” the development and volunteer offices, using the staff computers, and making an annual appearance at the popular Beaver Club Gala. Read the rest of this entry »