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Fall is becoming a busy time of year here at the Canoe Museum- from lectures, school programs and the annual Beaver Club Gala just on the horizon, all hands are on deck to provide a welcoming and memorable experience for our guests.

I love interacting with the public. Greeting visitors at the door, working with children and answering questions as guests peruse the galleries are some of the highlights of a museum setting- but sometimes it’s just nice to bask in the solace of our artifact storage facilities.

View of the Museum's storage facilities.  Look at the rainbow! I wonder if there is a bucket of gold hidden behind an old dugout?

View of the Museum’s storage facilities.
Look at the rainbow, I wonder if there is a bucket of gold hidden behind an old dugout!

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For weeks, the weekend Museum volunteers have had to suffer through my excited babbling about my weekend getaway and now they have many stories to look ‘forward to’ come Saturday…but till then I’ll bore our readers!

Having been at the Museum non-stop for the last few months it was very odd not to be working last weekend, having over a week without walking throughout the galleries. I didn’t know what to do with my time, but thankfully I had a pretty fun distraction…


Fun in the snow, the weekend was even more fun than I anticipated! If teaching doesn’t pan out I wonder if I could make it as a mason?

Friends and I had been planning our winter get away for months—finally the day was here…my car was cleaned out (for the first time in forever) and the bumper was dragging with all our gear.

I put aside my schoolbooks and strapped on my snowshoes! Both thoughts of the Museum and university were pushed out of my head as soon as we got out of the city. With perfect weather, amazing company and serene views, the four of us settled in for a relaxing stay at a homestead north of Minden.

View of the wee cabin from the bush, across the meadow.

View of the wee cabin from the bush.

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Last month Leia showcased the creative side of our guests. We have found many a creation throughout the Museum…but they hardly ever extend passed the front doors.

Well that changed a few Saturday morning’s ago after one of January’s nasty snowstorms….

Let’s start from the beginning shall we!

Our Education Department provides amazing opportunities for kids to interact with the galleries and even, wait for it, sleepover! Every time I help with an Overnight I wish I could have slept underneath a Montreal Canoe or in a wigwam when I was seven!

Imagine you and friends sleeping toe to toe ...listening to the waterfall as you finally giggle yourself to sleep!  So very jealous!

Imagine you and friends sleeping toe to toe …listening to the waterfall as you finally giggle yourself to sleep! So very jealous!

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Everyone who visits the Canadian Canoe Museum has their own favourite canoe, display or absolutely everything left them speechless and unable to choose just one. The Museum is full of hidden gems or as I like to call them nooks and crannies

A view from the top of the staircase...not one picture can capture the entire museum.

A view from the top of the staircase…not one picture can capture the entire museum.

I had the great opportunity to spend many a morning and afternoon exploring the galleries during my time here at the Museum. I have to say there isn’t much that doesn’t perk my interest, but there is one spot in particular that holds many a fond memory. Read the rest of this entry »