Christmas Canoe

Christmas in upon us and we would like to extend our warmest holiday wishes to everyone. 2014 has been a great year for the museum and we are very thankful to all of our visitors, friends, ambassadors, members, and volunteers near and far. We hope you are enjoying this wonderful time of year.

It has been a busy month of December here at the Museum with our Christmas Open House. We would like to thank all those who came out and participated in our crafts and activities and especially those who donated non-perishables to be donated to our local food bank.

Canoe full of non-perishable food donations from our wonderful guests!

Canoe full of non-perishable food donations from our wonderful guests!

If you were not able to make it to the open house over the holiday season then do not fret because we will be hosting our first open house of 2015 on Sunday, January 4th. Start off 2015 right with us here at the Canoe Museum. We have an absolutely fantastic day of activities and demonstrations planned for both kids and kids-at-heart.

View the event here: 

From noon to 5pm the Museum will be open and offering FREE ADMISSION. You will have the chance to partake in all sorts of Museum activities we will have set up for kids of all ages that will be running throughout the day.

We also have a number of Special Guests who will be with us.

Steve Guthrie will be back again this year with his military models paraphernalia.

We are also excited to be hosting the Kawartha Marine Modellers. Check them out at

As well as the Morse Telegraph Club

The museum is also incredibly fortunate to have a number of skilled artisans as part of our Museum family and a number of them will be demonstrating their skills and know-how throughout the day.

Andy Bullock, an award winning craftsman, will be demonstrating beading techniques and projects.


Jo at work

The ever talented Russ Parker will be working on his Greenland-style Kayak.

Jo Harris will be demonstrating finger weaving techniques such as those used to make the iconic “ceintures fléchées” of the voyageurs and the Métis.

Our very own Ipie Van der Veen will be working on a one-of-a-kind HBC blanket jacket that will surely be the envy of the rest of us.

Kids and adults alike will be able to demo paddle carving with Don Duncan who will be working on paddles and seat caning demonstrations throughout the day.

Ipie with one of her creations!

Ipie with one of her creations!

Finally, Barry Diceman will be working on a canoe model and possibly some canoe building demonstrations in our workshop.

All in all there will be something for everyone and what better way is there to finish off the Christmas Holidays before the kids are sent back to school. So mark your calendar and be sure to come down to the Museum for one of our most popular annual events. This is one you won’t want to miss.

Again, Happy Holidays from all of us here at the museum and we look forward to seeing you in 2015!